David Berthy Posts
I had this version of the Thin Lizzy song "Dancing in the Moonlight
(It's Caught Me In Its Spotlight) for a while and then lost it when my
computer was stolen. Of all the songs I lost, it was this one I'd
missed the most. I still had the studio version from Bad Reputation,
but there's something about this recording for John Peel that I've
always thought was more than a little special. It's hard to pin down
what makes it so good. Somehow, It swings a little more, the vocals
are more convincing, and when Lynott sings "I'm walking home..." I
always fall in love with the song all over again. A few weeks ago, I
emailed Jon Meyers from the blog The Vinyl District (where I'd
originally found the song) and he graciously sent me a replacement
version. You can grab it below.
Dancing in the Moonlight
Don't miss this gem!
This track is astoundingly good and its hard to believe its live.
Spoonlearned everything they know from Thin Lizzy, one of the most underrated bands ever (Thin Lizzy of Course, not Spoon)
Infectious! What a track.
Yeah - very, very cool.
What is also criminal (not as bad as laptop theft) is that prior to the blog, the only two Thin Lizzy songs I'd ever heard were "those two" that they play on the radio.
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