David Berthy Posts
Miike Snow is comprised of Swedish producers Christian Karlsson and Pontus Winnberg. Pitchfork gave their album a decidedly lukewarm rating, but I'm quite taken with this single "Black & Blue." It isn't the most articulate endorsement, but when I play it loud up at the cabin it sounds amazing and everyone loves it, so I'll go with that. I'm also involved with the forthcoming video for the song, which is about an agoraphobic character inspired by Harry Nilsson as pictured on the Nilsson Schmilsson album cover. At this date, it's all going to take place outside Stockholm.
Black and Blue
I give Pitchfork's reviewers a decidedly "lame ass" rating (objectively of course).
What a brilliant idea for a video..at first I misread and thought you meant Aerial Pandemonium Ballet, which would also rule. Are you going to Sweden?
Got moved to London...still up in the air if I can go or not.
Makes me feel like I'm shopping
@ H&M...
Ain't nothing wrong with that, Jimmy.
I wish H&M music was this enjoyable. Usually makes me want to go running from the store.
(Note, I am wearing a shirt from there right now. Yes it has epaulets.)
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