Back in the mid-nineties, I had the priviledge of working at Jazz Record Mart for a couple of years. It was the greatest type of music education-constant exposure to great jazz, blues, and soul music I had never heard before. The owner of JRM, Bob K., is also head of Delmark Records, a local record label that broke Buddy Guy and Junior Wells back in the day.
Bob is legendary among JRM staff and clientele for his frequent uninhibited vocal tyrades, "outside the box" thinking, and liberal use of non-sequitors. So much so that the JRM staff, which includes many of the finest Jazz and Rock musicians in the city, banded together to have some fun at BK's expense. The Lead Lined Bags put together a collection of country, funk, and rock tunes built around some of BK's classic moments. Granted, this is "you had to be there" kind of music, but I think you'll get a kick out of it just the same.
I've included my two favorites for your listening pleasure today.
Blow On Your Arm- This catchy number recounts the years that JRM's air-conditioning was on the fritz, and BK's solution for his employees, which did not involve getting it fixed.
Never Put A Typewriter on the Floor-This country inflected ditty recounts the time when JRM mail order guru Steve Dawson (on lead vocals here) had a typewriter sitting on his office floor and came in one morning to find a note attached in BK's writing angrily all cap screaming
Other titles include "Trained Monkey", "Jewel Bag", "The Black Dame", "Whitey Likes it Tight", "Slightly Dished", "Stet!", "I Like to Air Dry", and "Doesn't That Make More Sense?"
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