I adore my father for myriad reasons, but the greatest thing ever was when he took me to see Rush at The Checkerdome in St. Louis (STL=Purina HQ) on the Signals Tour in 1982. I was in middle school and had just started to play the drums, and of course Neil Peart was my greatest hero, very soon to be replaced by Stewart Copeland, then Phil Collins, and finally, Nigel Olsson (Elton John). The Cardinals were in the World Series that year, and so for the entire concert, my father was listening to the game on these giant radio headphones (like the ones pictured). It was so deafeningly loud that he probably couldn't hear a thing about the game, but at least his hearing was being protected. I believe the Cards won that night, and after NP's drum solo, I felt like a world champion myself.
Do you remember your first show ever?
Start your weekend right and DOWNLOAD SPIRIT OF THE RADIO BY RUSH
BONUS VIDEO-Live in 88
1988 Chicago (the band)
NKOTB, baby. (New Kids on the Block for those of you who aren't hip to the lingo). The year-1991. The venue, The Metro Centre in the heart of Rockford, Illinois. I was definitely Hangin' Tough.
Does Old Chicago count???? If so, I was a teen beat fan for Rex Smith and saw him there. BRUTAL!! If not then Men at Work w/Cyndi Lauper in FL. I guess that's prob brutaltoo ;o)
ahhhhh, NKOTB. gotta love them. Along with those guys, I can add Debbie Gibson to my early concerts. at the time, I don't think I was allowed to see Madonna live, but I was definintely rocking out to her. and Wham.
Billy Joel-Allentown Tour. Sick.
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