I was thinking yesterday about songs that scared me when I was little. There were a bunch of them, and the ones that come to mind immediately are:
1. Theme from Mahogany (Do you Know Where You're Going to)-Diana Ross. Numero uno for sure, this song creeped me out big time. The chord progression is jarringly eery,and the question "Where are you going to, do you know?" spooked me at a young age, just as it does now!
2. Eleanor Rigby- The Beatles-Those tense string arrangements (which make up the entire song), all the talk of loneliness, and images of teeth in a jar by the door were all unsettling to little Simo
3. Sundown-Gordon Lightfoot. This one didn't scare me per se, but I found these lines confusing and menacing.
Sundown, You'd Better Take Care
If I find you've been creeping round my back stairs
What does that man? I didn't want anyone creeping round my back stair either.
I dug the groove so much, though, I didn't really care
Do you have a song that scared you when you were little? If so, leave a comment!
Screamin' Jay Hawkin's "I put a Spell on you" scared me as a kid...and it still kinda does, as I was reminded yesterday.
Hey, what is Gord' singing about, anyhow? It's not really sunny at all ...
Scary songs that i enjoyed: Hotel California. You can check out anytime ... blah blah blah. Coincided with fear of being locked in the grocery store.
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