A Ukulele cabaret to be exact. Dust off that uke you picked up on vacation in Hawaii and join yours truly and Tony B. for the inaugural Ukulele Cabaret just after Valentines Day on Saturday, February 16. Where? you guessed it, Silvies. The theme of course will be songs of betrayal and heartbreak, lust and love.
The Guidelines:
1. Each act may play up to three songs (at least one of which should relate to the theme)
2. A uke should be played in each song, other instruments are welcome and encouraged
3. bonus points for theatricality- costumes, props, skits, beatboxes, whatever
If you don't yet play the uke, take it from me, its simple to learn and very inexpensie too (from $30 at Andy's.) Or you can just come to watch, sing along, and throw back some brown-brown.
So don't delay, put those winter doldrums to work and scare up a song or two.
Hope to see you there.
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Here's the Wellington International Ukulele Orchestra playing Hey Ya.
I'm quite sure that Brett from Flight of the Conchords is second from left
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