Teddy Thompson Plays Leonard Cohen
Today's post comes courtesy of TFI's resident Bluegrass Afficianado-Chris Lozier.**
Best Songwriter Ever?
My guess is that an awful lot of folks would say Dylan. Or certainly Lennon, McCartney, or both even. Tom Waits is another favorite of mine. Steve Earle once said, "Townes Van Zandt is the best songwriter in the whole world, and I'll stand on Bob Dylan's coffee table in my cowboy boots and say that." Then again, someone else astutely noted once that opinions are like assholes. Well, I wanted to introduce folks to a song by a guy who deserves consideration as one of the best songwriters ever.
He is Leonard Cohen, and I think that he is among the more overlooked contenders for this title. It may be that his singing is, well, not for everyone. The man himself once said, “I love to hear my songs by anyone else but me.” And it’s often precisely when “anyone else” does Cohen’s songs that many people discover him. For your listening pleasure and edification, I present to you Teddy Thompson singing Tonight Will Be Fine. And we should note that Teddy is the son of a pair of amazing musicians and songwriters: Richard and Linda Thompson.
Anyway, if you’re not already familiar with Leonard Cohen, dig through his substantial catalog of material when you’re done with this. I think you’ll agree that this guy is a pretty darn good songwriter.
**Yeah, I know this tracks not Bluegrass, but still he is our Bluegrass Afficianado, and besides, I needed a segueway! Ready? Ok here comes:
Speaking of Lozier, He plays a face-melting mandolin (Black, insert insult here) in the local Bluegrass band Hayward (your bloghost plays bass in said band too!) (hey thats two, no, wait, three, parenthesied thoughts in one sentence).
Come out and see Hayward tonight (Wednesday) at Silvies, 1902 W. Irving Park, 9:00 PM.
Wow, look at me plugging my bands two days running, for shame!
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