Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Discovery of the Year

That Steve Earle quote from CL's post yesterday got me to thinking about Townes Van Zandt, an amazing songwriter. I never heard his music before this year (or never new it was his song I was listening to). Truthfully I think that somehow for me he slipped by amongst all the similarly named- Van Dyke Parks, Steve Van Zandt, maybe even Dick Van Dyke and Dick Van Patten. Then, when I was visiting Adel in LA on New Years Day, he popped a live TVZ disc into the car stereo on a drive through the canyons. I was an instant fan and had the great pleasure of going back to discover all of his great songs. This one, Don't Take it Too Bad, got me through some hard times this year.

Don't Take it Too Bad


Benjamin said...

I really like the Fingerhut Invitational.

quickdraw said...

Beautiful that dobro.

Simo said...

I hope so, its named for you!

jem said...

Welcome, Benjamin!

love this song, so beautiful. interesting how the lyrics are sweet and loving, but his voice and music are so sad sounding. i don't know whether to feel better or cry!

Townes Van Zandt is new to me...will definitely check out more of his tunes.