A twofer today! You get my favorite song from Electric Light Orchestra and the only song I know ever written ABOUT Electric Light Orchestra. I know I'm up against a mighty river of disapproval here, but I love ELO's bombastic orchestral pop..the strings, the Land of Oz backing vocals, all of it. I dug the 45's as a kid (Evil Woman, Living Thing, telephone Line, Sweet Talkin' Woman) and I dig them now. ELO mastermind and Beatle freak Jeff Lynne went on to produce George Harrison (he tastefulty finsihed GH's last album after his death) and Tom Petty among others, and even became that Traveling Wilbury that you never recognize.
Download Mr. Blue Sky
Randy Newman's "The History of A Rock & Roll Band":
dude, you are right on!!! who doesn't love ELO?!?!?! they are missin out...
Can't hide the big fat grin on my face whenever I hear this song...love it!
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