Guess what? Growing up I was a huge Genesis fan. Guess what else? I'm going to see them tonight. I kinda wish I could be like the hipsters and say I dug'em best in the Peter Gabriel Era:

but it would be a stone cold lie. The truth is that victimized as I was by being a child of the 80's, It was the Phil Collins era I loved first:

only later did I go back to find the real motherload of the Gabriel era... The whitefaced, flute and bass drum playing, flower costumed goodness.
So for today's download I'll bridge the gap by featuring a track and a video from the first record with Phil up front, my favorite ever Genesis Album, " A trick of The Tale", from 1976.
Song-Squonk from A Trick of the Tale
Title Track Video: A Trick of The Tale:
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