Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Which Doobie May Yoube?

This Labor Day weekend, H & I stumbled upon a 24 hour 90210 Marathon just at it was starting with episode 1. Needless to say, we were captured for the better part of the day yesterday. It got me to thinking about the history of guest spots by popular bands on television shows throughout the years.

The earliest one I can remember was the Doobie Brothers on Whats Happening back in 1978. Rerun gets busted for illegally taping the Doobie's live show, but when the cops try and take him down with the evidence, the audio tape is just crunching sound because he was snacking so much. The cops eventually let him go because there's no audio evidence of bootlegging, just sounds of Rerun crunching on chips.

During the Indie Rock Era, it was The Flaming Lips on 90210

And Post Millenium, the torch was carried by Sonic Youth, Yo La Tengo, and many others on Gilmore Girls

Do you know of others? Post them in the comments!



quickdraw said...

Does Sesame Street count?

Jimmy Swingset said...

Two things.

1. Raj is totally Bilali
2. ReRun is one of the great early queens in sitcom history